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Test: Blonde Test

Category: Entertainment

Description: Everything


Whats idk,lol,brb,ttyl,txt means???

yes no idk lol i do cause i txt all the time

Have you ever had a blonde moment??

yes no

Is your hair really blonde???

yes no idk maybe

You have been tackled by a boy playing football at school??

True False

You forgot to put on your shoes when you were going to school??

True False

Have you ever fell asleep at a friends house and woke up and thought you were at your house??

True False

Have you ever gotten a pet or how ever many and the next day you fogot whos they were??

yes no so long ago i cant remember what kind of question is this!!

Have ever you watched the twilight movie???

Yes No


best junk food!! stuff that rotens your teeth I cant eat candy never tasted it, never will

Have you ever got lost in your own house??

yes no


Hi like im so blonde. I have meany blonde moments. =)so phillies rule. Fome, jj calll me.