Test: The Crazy Test
Category: Humor
Description: Are you crazy? Possibly so. Take this test and find out.
Keywords: The crazy test, the crazy quiz, crazy test, crazy quiz, crazy tests, crazy quizzes, am i crazy, am i a freak
What is your best friend?
A person
A cricket
The voices in my head
I don't have one because they don't let me leave...Ever.
Which dream do you have more?
The naked in public dream
The falling dream
Relationships are hard because...
We never agree on anything.
I could be dating a spy!
It's hard to pay attention when--Oooh gum!
Are you crazy?
I tell myself I'm not.
Some people say that.
Are YOU crazy?
No! I just have a lot of wierd habits.
If you had a nickname, it would be...
Do you have a lot of friends?
Just a few. They usually get annoyed with me.
Tons. But, they're mostly in my head.
Are you afraid of the dark?
No, I have my nightvision goggles at all times.
Yes, when the lights go out I stand still and cry until someone finds me.
No, my voices keep me company
Gimme a Flashlight! On! Off! On! Off! On! Off! Weeeeeeeee!
Pick a word.
Why did you take this quiz?
Because I think I might be crazy.
Most of the voices told me to... one of them said to start a fire.
Because if I don't take at least five quizzes a day, the world will end.
Quizzes are fun!
If you were an animal, you would be a(n)_________?
A turtle... I love those protective shells
A squirrel
A flock of birds!
Eww! Animals are dirty!
You're an idiot. No offense. Well, actually. Offense intended.
im a ugly basterd