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Test: Causes of Seasons and Lunar Phases Test

Category: Space

Description: Assess your knowledge of the causes of the seasons and lunar phases.


The moon revolves around the Earth once every month

True False

We see the phases of the moon because...

of the Earth's position around the sun of the moon's position around the Earth of the angle that a person on Earth views the moon of the Earth's position around the sun, the moon's position around the Earth, and the angle that a person on Earth views the moon

Earth's seasonal temperature changes (cold in winter and hot in summer, mild in spring or fall)are caused by the tilt of Earth's axis as it revolves around the sun.

True False

Why don't we have a solar and a lunar eclipse each month?

The moon takes 30 days to go around the Earth The moon take almost 30 days to go around the Earth The moon's orbit is at an angle to the sun's equator and takes it above or below the suns equator The moon's orbit is perfectly aligned to the sun'ds equatorial plane so it is never above or below the sun's equator

The moon rotates once every month

True False

Winter and summer are determined by Earth's distance from the sun

True False

Which list shows the phases in correct order?

full,new,first quarter, third quarter,waxing crescent,waning crescent, waxing gibbous, waning gibbous third quarter,waning crescent,new,waxing crescent,first quarter,waxing gibbous,full, waning gibbous first quarter,waning crescent,new,waxing crescent,third quarter,waxing gibbous,full, waning gibbous third quarter,waning crescent,new,waxing crescent,first quarter,waxing gibbous,full, waning gibbous

Do we see all sides of the moon?

Yes No

We see the same side of the moon all of the time because...

The moon's rotation on its axis is the same speed as its revolution around our Earth The moon's rotation on its axis is the faster than its revolution around our Earth The moon's rotation on its axis is slower than its revolution around our Earth We see both sides of the moon not just one side.

What phase of the moon comes after waning gibbous?

Waxing gibbous first quarter waning crescent third quarter

The moon rotates.

True False

The Earth's northern hemisphere tilts on its axis toward the sun in December, but is closer to the sun than in June

True False

The Earth is closer to the sun during winter in the northern hemisphere than it is when it is summer in the northern hemisphere

True False

Explain how Earth's tilt and revolution is responsible for Earth's seasonal temperature changes.

Earth's tilt brings us closer to or farther from the sun. The closer we are to the sun , the warmer we become. The farther away from the sun we are the colder we become. Earth's tilt and revolutuion causes the angle of incidence from the sun to change. Which causes the hemispheres to receive more direct or indirect sunlight therefor causing higher to lower tempereatures as the Earth revolves around the sun. Earth's tilt is not responsible for the seasonal temperature changes. Only Earth's revolution causes the changes. Only Earth's tilt causes the seasonal temperature changes.


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